1. Proposal Purpose:
Testing here
- [Explain any relevant background to and reasons for the submitted Grape Proposal. Indicate the nature of the proposal (i.e. whether the proposal is a new process or a revision to an existing process). If relevant, discuss how this proposal submission relates to existing Grape processes.]
2. Grape Proposal Overview:
Testing here
- [Summarize the principles of the proposal and briefly outline the procedures to be used to implement it. If applicable, outline the duration and/or frequency of the proposed action]
3. Stakeholders
testing here
- [List the stakeholders (i.e. Sub-DAOs, gated communities, or individual Grape Community Members) who are most knowledgeable about the subject matter and/or would be most affected by the submitted proposal. These stakeholders may be consulted during the development and discussion stage of the proposal. The DAO can assist in identifying potential stakeholders.]
4. Costs/Resource Requirements:
Testing here
- List item [To the extent feasible, identify anticipated cost or resource requirements of the proposed policy, including any human, financial, operational, technological, or other resources that will be needed to reach the proposal execution stage.]