Grape DAO Proposal Conversations

GIP: Proposal Submission Requirements and Steps

To guarantee efficiency and effectiveness, only proposals satisfying the following set of requirements will be regarded as valid to be published.


GIP stands for Grape Improvement Proposal. It is a standard proposal document describing a new feature or a change in Grape Protocol’s processes and environment.

How can a Grape related Idea constitute a GIP?

By fulfilling the requirements below:

  1. Date/Time
  2. Category
  3. Proposal Description
  4. Key Stakeholders [From/To]
  5. Duration or Frequency (if applicable)
  6. Resource Requirements

Who can submit Grape Proposals?

Every single Grape Community Member is able to submit a proposal.

Where will Grape Proposals be Archived?

The proposals under consideration, after reaching the publishing stage, will be displayed on a separate Proposal Page on Grape’s Gitbook.

Which are the Proposal Stages until Execution?

This will allow everyone to be able to track proposals and their stage:

  1. Submission
  2. Publishing
  3. Discussion
  4. Scheduled Voting (Pass/Fail)
  5. Execution

How can a Grape Community Member submit a Proposal?

Fork the Grape repo. Write a GIP using the GIP markdown template and initiate a pull request


As the Grape Community grows, the more proposals will need to be managed. Hence, prioritization will be necessary and carried out on the basis of the submitter’s Grape Role

  1. Class A-Gorilla: Max Priority
  2. Class B-Gibbon: Medium Priority
  3. Class C: Low Priority

Who are the GIP editors and what is the role?

Current GIP editors are members of the Grape Protocol Core Team. Soon, however, DAO members will get assigned this role to guarantee a truly decentralized proposal submission process. Responsibilities include:

  1. Checking that the title accurately describes the content
  2. Edit the GIP for language (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

Once the GIP is ready for publishing on Gitbook:

  1. The editor will assign a GIP number (Next Available Number)
  2. Accept the corresponding pull request and merge with Gitbook
  3. Inform the GIP author with the next step

Note: The proposal templates attached were inspired from [GitHub - bitcoin/bips: Bitcoin Improvement Proposals Bitcoin’s BIP-0001] and Ethereum Classic’s “ECIP Template”.

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