1. Proposal Purpose:
i. Reward GRAPE Members with GRAPE DAO Governance Rewards for Participation in Governance: Staking, Proposal, & Voting Actions. NOTE: This proposal is/was a result of GRAPE DAO contributions to evolve & grow, not a bounty.
ii. Reward Grape Governance Members for the Past Epochs of Participation
- Define & implement distribution of GRAPE DAO Governance rewards for Governance actions, like Staking, Proposals, & Voting
- This proposal is a one time snapshot. It does not reflect the ongoing model of rewards that will require more complex and advanced approaches to be automated & sustainable.
- Establish Governance Rewards Incentives Pool of 500,000 GRAPE per Epoch.
- See GOV REWARDS SNAPSHOT sheet (Lavender Tab)
1.) Total Rewards Pool: 7.5M Grape for 15 Epochs (All Epochs from Dec 2021 to Mar 2023)
2.) Rewards Composition: 90% Voting Rewards / 10% Proposals Rewards
3.) Proposals Criteria: ONLY Community & Qualified Proposals Completed/Succeeded (No Council, Cancelled, Executing, Failed, or Otherwise)
4.) Voting Rewards is a % = User Vote Count per Proposal / Total Votes (1 Vote / 1,678 Votes = 0.06%)
5.) Proposal Rewards is a % = User Created Proposal / Total Proposals (1 Proposal / 68 Proposals = 1.47%)
6.) ALL Epochs are Included and ALL Participation Rewarded. I.e. 1 Vote qualifies for a Reward. 1 Proposal Qualifies for a Reward.
7.) This is a ONE TIME Snapshot to reward Community with Voting power to ensure the health and stability of the DAO.
Alternative: Can change to a per Proposal mapped stake weighted reward…complex… etc
2. Grape Proposal Overview:
- Rewards Pool is set to Dynamically Adjust According to the Current Active Total Grape Staked divided by the All Total Grape Staked. This allows for new participants to increase the pool size, incentivizing staking Grape AND participating in Governance Proposals/Voting.
- Rewards Pools is split into 2 parts: (A) Proposals (10%) & (B) Voting (90%), as Proposals create the ability to Vote, but success and health of Proposals depend heavily on Voting activity.
- Governance Participation exists in 1 Time-Period Groups: (A) ALL EPOCHS
- Proposals eligibility for rewards requires a Community Proposal Successful/Completed. User Proposals are represented as a percentage divided by All Qualified Proposals Created within the Time-Period reviewed. User Votes are represented as a percentage divided by All Votes Cast within the same Time-Frame as the Proposals.
- One Reward Formula Used as OneTime Decisioning Solution:
- Reward = Reward Pool 90% x User Voted % + Reward Pool 10% x User Proposal %.
- The Spreadsheet contains numerous metrics and calculations for the purposes of providing community members and reviewers with the ability to identify or create their own models, by copying and modifying formulas.
- Establish Grape Ecosystem Dedicated Allocation Pool for Governance
- Merit & Reputation based Governance rewards for Governance contributions & participation.
- Rewards Models are intended as an incentive to promote healthy participation & DAO health.
- Across DAOs various models have been discussed, reviewed, tested, & changed to address incompleteness or flaws.
Involves Metrics identified in part iv. below in various averages, and ensuring to look at historic and recent participation in proposals and voting, coupled with stake & epoch weights.
Eligibility Criteria:
- i. Each Eligible member must commit and stake the $GRAPE amount balance for the entire duration of each Governance Epoch to receive rewards. Increases in Governance Stake after Epoch start will not be included in calculations for individual rewards during the given epoch.
- ii. Each Governance Epoch must have at least 1 Proposal created by the DAO and at least 1 Vote Required per GRAPE Member to be eligible for GRAPE DAO Rewards. No Proposals = No Rewards for either Proposals OR Votes
- iii. Proposal Creation “Success” is dependent on creation and execution of a proposal meeting the following criteria: Proposal must be a “Community” Proposal, exceed Quorum receiving a qualified majority Approval vote (>75%), that is not veto’d or reverted by the DAO due to unwanted or malicious intent, does not manipulate the rewards process, & is found not to collude with others or seek to game the rewards process.
- iv. Every Proposal to be voted must contain a link to supporting DAO Documentation & Discussion (i.e. Discourse, Gist, or DAO accepted future equivalent).
Multi-sig Approval/Management, Review, Distribution, & Execution:
- i. Rewards confirmations will be published with insights regarding the criteria, successful proposals, and candidates, including the amounts expected for reward, total reward pool allocated, and potential candidates that failed due to failing criteria.
- ii. A group of DAO members entrusted with allocating and distributing the Grape will use a Realms, Squads, or, UniqueClub multi-sig (i.e. Similar to Bounty Approval Group)
- iii. Distribution of rewards will be discussed and confirmed as either: a Single Realms proposal with Multiple Transactions to each Recipient, or, Grape will identify an alternative more effective, cheaper and most importantly, secure method.
3. Stakeholders
GRAPE Holders Capable of On-Chain Proposal Creation & Collaborators - (I.e. Neanderthals & DAO Members contributing to proposals. Example: A Proposal Creator may wish to contribute a % of Rewards earned to other contributors to a given proposal.)
4. Costs/Resource Requirements:
DAO Rewards Pool Rubric:
DAO Rewards pool for each Epoch period is voted by DAO and can not exceed the following amounts (Unless otherwise altered by DAO Vote). This rule applies to the collective DAO Rewards Pools
DAO Governance Rewards Pools will not exceed the following amounts (whichever is less):
- 10% of Grape Emissions per Epoch
- 2.50% of all Realms Grape Staked
- 0.10% of Circulating Supply
Proposed Pool: 500K per Epoch = 7.5 M Grape
DAO Grape Rewards Incentives Pool (GRIP)
Key Metrics to Calculate Reward Pool Sizes
- Total Circulating Supply of $GRAPE
- Total $GRAPE Staked in Realms v.s. Circulating $GRAPE
- Total $GRAPE Voting in Realms v.s. Total Staked in Realms
Title: GRAPE DAO Governance Incentives: Participant Rewards & Reputation
Authors: @Arximedis
Contributors/Feedback: *Grape DAO Members -* Billy, CryptoPawz, RiderInRed, Dynite, Legend)
Created: 2022-10-14
Updated: 2023-03-14
Stage: Proposal
Discussions-To: https://dao.grapenetwork.org/t/grape-dao-governance-rewards-pool-incentives-for-realms-stakers-proposers-voters-in-progress/1173
Category: "Governance", "Governance Logic", "Incentive Parameters", "Governance Rewards", "Governance Reputation"
Implementations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LmklFFeFkf4aTj-zTbtfTgeoNdCsVpEHlFYOuxDQQfU/edit?usp=sharing
Audits: TBD
References (Past Posts or Inspirations)
- Feb 23 @legend Grape Emissions - Idea
- Oct 22 @Arximedis [PROPOSAL] GRAPE DAO Governance Incentives: Participant Rewards & Reputation
- Sep 22 @DeanMachine DAO Reputation Model
- Aug 22 @Takisoul Reputation Discussion Workshop
- Aug 22 @TheRipTyde February/March Skill Force Emissions
- Reputation System for GRAPE DAO
- May 22 @Arximedis [VOTE] Establish DAO POOL: $GRAPE Rewards Incentives Pools for Realms Proposers & Voters
- Jun 22 @DyNite Reputation System for GRAPE DAO
- Jun 22 @potrok [Proposal] Implementing a reputation system for Grape DAO
- Jun 22 @Takisoul Grape Phase 2.0: Setting a New Paradigm for DAO Incentivization Mechanisms | by Milimalism | Grape Protocol — Great Ape Community | Medium
- Jun 22 @DeanMachine Measuring DAOness and the Transition of the Grape Team | by DeanMachine | Medium
- Apr 22 @DeanMachine New Proposal for Emissions model
- Apr 22 @Arximedis [PROPOSAL] NEW EMISSIONS MODEL: Incentives Pools
- Mar 22 @Arximedis [Discussion] Emissions Model Review: Part 2 of 2 - Models & Merits
- Mar 22 @Arximedis [Discussion] Emissions Model Review: Part 1 of 2 - Metrics & Methods
- Feb 22 @DeanMachine [Discussion] Undefined Surprise Emission - Community Focused Participation
- Jan 22 @CryptoPawz [Discussion] Grape and its subDAOs/DAO - structure, organization, management
- Jan 22 @Arximedis [Discussion] Performance Based Emissions Template for DAO, SubDAOs or Other Groups
- Dec 21 @CryptoPawz [Discussion] Feedback on Proposals and Voting
- Dec 21 @billy.grape / @DyNite [Proposal] Increase Membership token requirements based on the different tiers
- Dec 21 @Arximedis PARTICIPATE: GRAPE DAO Members for REALMS Solana Governance - Testing & QA - Phase 1
- Dec 21 @DeanMachine [Discussion] Adjustable emissions Cap
- Dec 21 @Arximedis PROPOSAL: DAO Organizational Updates - GRAPE Councils
- Nov 21 @CryptoPawz [Discussion] The DAO's voting mechanism, structure and processes
- Oct 21 @Arximedis Grape DAO Proposal Conversations