1. Proposal Purpose:
In Response to the conversation initiated in a prior discussion for dynamic emissions (link below), I’ve taken the liberty to formulate a template that should enable implementing a uniform model that assesses, allots and allocates emissions per SubDAO in a manner that dynamically allocates emissions to members, whilst also ensuring for greater policing and improved management of roles. This discussion provides a solution and model that can be used by all SubDAO’s and allocates emissions based on a Performance Grade (% based), which would be the only requirement of SubDAOs to ensure is assigned to individual members [Discussion] Adjustable emissions Cap
SYNOPSIS: Emissions should be merit & performance based, rather than subjective or lacking quantitative/qualitative contextual supporting weights or metrics.
2. Grape Proposal Overview:
The following spreadsheet contains 2 Templates that can be utilized for any SubDAO to decide and allocate emissions based on an available budget, taking into account a BASE, a BONUS & EXCESS Emissions, if desired and a GRAPE WEIGHT SCORE - Skill Role Scoring Grid generator.
The primary inputs required from any SubDAO are the Performance Metrics that derive the % of Performance, utilizing a model like the “GRAPE WEIGHT SCORE - Skill Role Scoring Grid”
1. GRAPE Weight = Percentage % Calculated as a Weighted Average of 4 Key Criteria
a. Work Produced = 60%
b. Work Utilized = 10%
c. Activity = 10%
d. Ops/Org = 20%
2. BASE = Total Budget / Total Eligible Members (SubDAO Role Holders)
or Total Budget X and Total Members Y = X/Y = BASE Emission Allotted per Member
a. BASE allotted assumes all members can achieve 100% and deserve their share of the available budget for which this calculation ensures it is possible for each member to at least receive a % of the available budget, even if all other participants perform at 100%.
b. BASE allocated = GRAPE Weight x Base Allotted - This implies that a member with 100% performance, receives 100% of the Base Allotted. If a member performs at 50%, they receive 50% of the Base Allotted. If performance is 0%, the Base emission is 0%, and also excludes the member from the calculations that follow.
3. Bonus = Bonus Pool = Total Budget - Total Base Emissions Allocated
Next, after each Base Allocated emission is calculated per Member, a Bonus Pool is calculated by subtracting the Total Budget from the aggregate sum of all Base Allocated emissions.
a. Average Weighted Grape Weight: This metric will help define a performance threshold to automatically define the overall performance v.s. individual performance.
b. Bonus Eligibility Threshold: This can be set as a % that is a static value OR as it is implemented in the template, any SubDAO SkillRole Member that achieves a higher Performance GRAPE Weight % than the Average Weighted Grape Weight, will be Eligible to receive a % of the available Bonus Emission divided by the Total Number of Bonus Eligible Members.
c. The Total Number of Bonus Eligible Members can never be less than 3, which ensures that the maximum Bonus Allotted and Allocated enable for individual performance to be rewards, and prevents manipulation where ALL budget available to an entire SubDAO is allocated to a single member, rather enables the potential for another tier of Emissions, which is remaining.
4. Excess = Similarly to how Bonus is calculated, Excess Emissions Allocated are a function of the Total Excess Emissions Pool = Total Budget - (Total Base Allocated +Total Bonus Allocated).
a. Excess Emissions are an added tier of Emissions that can be allocated to individuals that meet the same Bonus Eligibility Criteria, ensuring higher performance can achieve capturing a greater % of emissions when multiple participants fail to meet or succeed in exceeding the overall performance of a given SubDAO.
5. Logic: There are multiple criteria and rules in the formulas within this spreadsheet. An important factor is ensuring that the Emissions received by any single member remains reasonably within the limits of the available budget and accounts for single v.s. multiple leaders.
a. IF BONUS+EXCESS > BASE + BONUS, The Bonus & Excess Emissions are calculated using the percentage of available Remaining Excess Emissions divided by Total Budget. This ensures that if there are multiple participants, but few outperformers, those outperformers are rewarded significantly higher than the other participant members, but with a dynamic cap that ensures it is impossible for a few members to consume ALL available Budget, unless more participants perform.
b. This model seeks to increase the overall performance of a given group, providing incentives for outperformers, removing/reducing the weight imposed on non-performers, and ensures more evenly distributed emissions for greater participation.
c. In the context of users with multiple roles, it is possible to aggregate the GRAPE Weights for a user’s performance across multiple SubDAOs/Roles and calculate the Total Emissions to Allocate as a % of the Total Emissions Allotted. NOTE: THIS IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TEMPLATE.
d. Budget NOT allocated or remaining can either be sent back to the GRAPE Treasury.
e. Hypothetical: If this model is implemented by all SUBDAOs, one idea for a proposal would be to allow a % of Remaining Emissions unallocated to be accrued and compounded for future Epoch allocations to be unlocked for greater participation in the given SubDAO, which could also take into account all SubDAO performance similarly to this model. This would incentivize increased participation from all members, and reward consistent performers at a greater rate if participants/members increase. Alternatively, a fixed or proportionate increase in budget can be discussed per additional member, as a potential alternative alluded to by @DeanMachine in prior conversations.
3. Stakeholders
Template & Grading Schema that can be implemented by any DAO, SUBDAOs & SKILLROLE Groups seeking to manage Performance, Roles & Emissions
4. Costs/Resource Requirements:
Budgets are already defined at the SubDAO levels.