[Discussion] Next steps on Emissions

Following the Discussion initiated by Arximedis on Emissions, I would like to share my thoughts on what the next steps should be ( [Discussion] Emissions Model Review: Part 1 of 2 - Metrics & Methods - #2 by DyNite )

The Board needs to begin working with subDAO leaders here to start moving towards tangible metrics. This obviously requires subDAO/internal discussions because the skill role members along with their leaders are in the best position in our community to understand the intricacies related to performance.

In my opinion the way this should be done is to firstly, ask subDAOs for the metrics they believe must be evaluated by the DAO and DAO Board every epoch to determine emissions.

The way I can see this working, generally speaking on emission structure, can be seen in the following graphic:

Any metric not directly tied in to revenue, which can surely exist, can allow a potential upper bound to emissions if fulfilled to a maximum.

Imo, this clearly incentivises every single subDAO to work in an organized manner and evolve into a structure that is more performance oriented. At the same time, the Grape DAO Treasury is enhanced and incentivised to support actions and proposals relevant to our economic powerhouses; our subDAOs and Councils. The council that has come closest to this type of structure, at least philosophically, since it was formed so recently, is the gaming council by @Barndog. With emissions heavily dependent on metrics, every single member of our community is incentivised to take part.

The DAO is responsible to facilitate the growth of these revenue producing community structures. So here is what I would like to ask from every single subDAO as a deliverable by Saturday, 26th March: A first stab at the metrics you would like to be evaluated against, besides raw revenue.

As a member of the Board I am more than willing to brainstorm with the subDAO leaders so feel free to reach out to me. This exercise is absolutely essential in whichever path we decide to follow in terms of emissions (use of strata tokens or not) and will shed light on which subDAOs will be able to survive this necessary transition.

This will hopefully allow a final discussion to be had on Sunday so that the DAO can finalize a definitive Emissions-tied-to-performance Agreement with the subDAOs.

Let me know if you disagree with this process as a next step here. If everyone agrees then this should be a formal deliverable.

I am pushing for this to happen ASAP because it is clear that we have 100 people working here and there must be clear direction presented from governance.


Thanks @Dim_Selk ! - Feel free to add this point to either conversation happening here:

[Discussion] Emissions Model Review: Part 1 of 2 - Metrics & Methods
[Discussion] Emissions Model Review: Part 2 of 2 - Models & Merits