[Discussion] What is your vision of Grape?

I have my particular view on Grape and how we should treat our services and products and I have an analogy to share with you all.

Grape is a tree rooted in the fertile soil of open-sourceness and web 3.
Grape dashboard, marketplace and verification tool are the roots.
Grape dao is the trunk.
Grape subdaos are the branches.
Grape members are the leaves.
Grape members work are the fruits.
Grape treasure is the water.

  1. The tree still needs to be irrigated, as it still doesn’t have well-defined roots and spread out through the soil to find its own water.
    If we water too much, the roots rot and the leaves get sick.
    If we don’t irrigate, the leaves dry up and fall off.

  2. We can also expand this view to the branches where we can cut them and grow new trees by cutting, as we did with Deanslist.
    If we cut a branch that is too young, the leaves can wither very quickly and make the process unfeasible.
    If we cut a very old branch, it will be difficult to take root.

Both must be our priority.

  1. An irrigation schedule to develop our roots and branches.
  2. Cut our branches at the right age to take root on their own and produce more fruit.