New Discord Owner Discussion

Earlier this year, I shared my personal goal to see Grape as provably the most decentralized DAO by the end of the year

There are a few big milestones left to hit (things like council tokens, quorums, and mint), but one of the biggest we can handle by the end of the year is voting on a new Discord owner

Although it might seem like a small decision, I dont think there is a single example of another protocol/DAO/project that has put this decision to a vote. We’ve already made big strides with Twitter ownership through the Twitter Bot, and Discord is arguably the last web2 instance we need to handle

This is a big step forward

What I propose as next steps

  • Over the next few days, people who are interested in being the Discord Owner can share their willingness in this thread. I can only transfer ownership to someone that accepts it, so nominating people that are not willing to take control is a waste of time

  • We can discuss criteria for eligibility of ownership and compensation for the role. It’s a very big responsibility as Discord is a common attack vector for scammers. Some variables could be existing roles, grape holdings, time involved in the DAO.

  • Its possible that this role can include other DAO core responsibilities (ie agenda setting, DAO moderation, etc…).

  • We can discuss a voting process. Ideally, we have the vote either here or on Discord and then ratify it with a polling vote onchain.

  • We should strive to have candidates figured out before December 15th and voting before December 25th.

In any event, I will transfer ownership by the end of the year. As a council token holder and one of the largest active $GRAPE voting members, I feel that ownership of Discord concentrates too much decision making power in my hands. If the DAO fails to agree on a new owner by end of year, I will use that decision making power one last time to choose the next owner myself.

This is no way will change my involvement in GRAPE; in fact, it is steps like this that make me (and all of us I hope) more involved with what we are trying to achieve here: making DAOs a reality

This is an exciting and essential step in our decentralization; a step I will be sharing with the broader Solana and Blockchain ecosystem as an example of how we, GRAPE, continue to bravely lead the way in DAO primitives!


I would like to volunteer for this. Preparing a relevant detailed proposal which I aim to submit before Sunday.


Ever since grape launched i have been a core part of the CM subDAO… i have won best CM x3 in the server and i want to volunteer for the discord server owner… I have no history of discord hack, and i have always given my all to the growth of the project.


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