The new phase of Grape - top secret do not share outside

1.Really nothing here. Multicoin i think invested in both, but this isnt how we look at the world. Its an awesome product that has alot of experimentation for social tokens.

  1. That fair. What would you propose we do instead? Top priority feature request (since that’s what this is about – how the technical team spends its time) – if you dont support opensource, what do you support?

What are some success cases for the use of bonding curves? I thought the idea fell out of favor.

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if you dont support opensource, what do you support?

You are putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned open source

As you recall, my remarks were regarding putting the community aspect of GRAPE in the forefront. Your vision for GRAPE is focussed on tooling:

TLDR; Grape is going 100% open-source and issuing Grape-backed tokens for each tool to handle its own roadmap, governance and treasury management. Each tool will be its own DAO and will organize, prioritize, and incentivize its own growth and operations.

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Nobody pushed me to experiment with sub-DAO tokens! We met the Strata team in Lisbon and we had plenty in common when it comes to DAO philosophy. There is no agenda, nothing hidden from the community!

I totally support the new vision; another step closer to decentralizing the group.

The Alpha token is not the most amazing idea but it is much better than the current emissions model. I am sure as we try out tools we will find something even better to use for the management of the group and treasury, measurable grape member acquisition and a way to increase engagement!

I am totally open to new ideas i just don’t see any coming forward!


I hear you. It must have been frustrating to see the wrong numbers go up for voting. Love new information, helps forming a more complete picture of the situation.

What I meant overall is that our process in it’s entirety clearly didn’t work. So we need to improve and test it in the field, before we can integrate it in something new.

I agree that there is some disonnect between the tooling and the community aspects of GRAPE in the article.

We are in a dilemma every pioneer faces. We have all these new fancy possibilities and no one has experience with them, exactly because they are so new.
For me the important question about subDAO tokens is not can we do it, but rather should we do it?
What do we gain by it? What do we stand to lose?

Could someone please point out what we have to gain by implementing subDAO tokens? Would be much appreciated.


I will amend the article to specify this is only the vision for tooling, while the community vision remains the priority.


Great steps towards decentralization.

Whatever can be open source, let it be open source.

I would add some of our milestones/past achievements in the thread so that it becomes a more complete read.


I just hope we take caution from recent hacks with regards to the topic of open-source.

Robust auditing and not experimenting with people’s hard-earned money.

Also, as Frank from GenesysGo says: Being open-source does not make you more virtuous, it’s not a contest. It’s a matter of doing it responsibly.


Off the back of todays DAO call I’ve just been going back over the comments here and the content of the roadmap really is so much in it, its amazing.

@DeanMachine today on call you were saying projects that are using Grape Verification will have to hold Grape Access Tokens going forward and that it’ll be rolled out in May. It was compared to other verification services that offer users the ability to buy and hold its NFT to grant lifetime acces. Makes perfect sense, its absolutely something I can get behind.

It might be just me but this sounds different to whats was discussed in the techncial roadmap which noted Grape Validator Network Node operators would be holding the access token, in reality I imagine it would be both the Validators and the Verification users having to hold the access token? That’s just me going off assumptions here though, and I really don’t feel informed on what seems like it will be massive for Grape going forward and I’d truely love to know more.

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