- Proposal Purpose: Purpose of the proposal is to compensate the CM subDAO for their work during the month of september and request (in advance) for payments all through the ember month to be stored in the community management squads account
- Grape Proposal Overview:
Fund the Community Management subDAO with USDC or/and GRAPE depending on what the DAO decides.
Let the subDAO self-police around work quality and fund management for each month after August all through December (this is to stop coming every month to ping the DAO about the same thing)
Pay the subDAO for the services provided by it. - Stakeholders:
Community Management subDAO - Costs/Resource Requirements:
11,200 USDC (1600 usdc for a total of 7 moderators monthly for the next four months)
and 493,248 $GRAPE (17,616 Grape for a total of 7 moderators monthly over the next four months)
Receiver will be a V3 Squads Vault 2 managed by @Tariqstp1, @legend & @Takisoul.
V3 Squads Vault 2: E44MSZKzey1sEYhPvUk6MjgUTQNmFEEUahxmdPkBtAND - Activity & Services:
Below will be a screenshot of past summer of all subDAO members contributed work to the GrapeDAO Discord server plus Grape Access Network Discord server.
That being said all this was based on Discord activity during these months and judged by me. If any Moderator, DAO member or Community Member doesn’t agree with the decisions made feel free to say here in discourse or discord.
- Proposal Purpose: Purpose of the proposal is to compensate the CM subDAO for their work during the month of september and request for payments all through September, October and November to be stored in the community management squads account
- Grape Proposal Overview:
Fund the Community Management subDAO with USDC or/and GRAPE depending on what the DAO decides.
Let the subDAO self-police around work quality and fund management for each month after August all through November
Pay the subDAO for the services provided by it. - Stakeholders:
Community Management subDAO - Costs/Resource Requirements:
400 usdc and 17616 $GRAPE is the standard pay for each moderators per month and they’re about 7 representing the moderating subDAO.
8,400 USDC (2800 usdc for a total of 7 moderators monthly for the three months worked)
and 369,936 $GRAPE (123,312 Grape for a total of 7 moderators monthly for the three months)
Receiver will be a V3 Squads Vault 2 managed by @Tariqstp1, @legend & @Takisoul.
V3 Squads Vault 2: E44MSZKzey1sEYhPvUk6MjgUTQNmFEEUahxmdPkBtAND - Activity & Services:
Below will be a list of past work of all subDAO members who contributed to the GrapeDAO Discord server plus Grape Access Network Discord server.
That being said, all this was based on Discord activity during these months and judged by me. If any Moderator, DAO member or Community Member doesn’t agree with the decisions made feel free to say here in discourse or discord.
List of moderators and activity logs for each of these moderators can be found below.
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