DAO AGENDA Oct 16th 2022

Agenda items to be discussed bellow:

  1. Move proposal June to August DAO Core Emissions On-Chain
  2. Mango exploit and DAO attack vulnerabilities
  3. Validator SOL purchase updates
  4. Bounties and Security [DISCUSS]: Security & Bug Bounty Programs or Solutions
  5. Grape Task workshop update
  6. Grape treasury accounts spreadsheet WIP Copy of Grape Ecosystem - Google Sheets
  7. [Proposal] Co-organize and sponsor reputation workshop at Breakpoint next steps, feedback?
  8. Update on Bears Reloaded sweep/DAO setup
  9. Reputation implementation and onboarding
  10. Reputation token utility suggestion
  11. Update on Avidlearner’s VISA application

----------------------------------- anyone in the DAO can edit this post------------
@Arximedis - Added
@billy.grape - Added another one
@TheRipTyde - Can edit
@potrok - Added another one
@Avidlearner - can edit


Move proposal June to August DAO Core Emissions On-Chain



  1. Mango exploit and DAO attack vulnerabilities
  2. Validator SOL purchase updates
  3. Bounties and Security
  4. Grape Task workshop update
  5. Grape treasury accounts spreadsheet WIP Copy of Grape Ecosystem - Google Sheets
  6. [Proposal] Co-organize and sponsor reputation workshop at Breakpoint next steps, feedback?

Update on Bears Reloaded sweep/DAO setup

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Reputation implementation and onboarding
Reputation token utility suggestion
Breakpoint workshop update (if time allows)

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Nice to see an agenda being drafted collectively :clap:

Btw isn’t #7 & #11 the same topic?

You’re right! Updating now.

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