[Agenda] DAO Call Apr 24th 2022

Preliminary agenda for DAO Call: 2022-04-24T13:00:00Z:

Brief updates:

  1. $GRAPE backed tokens, e.g. Grape Access @DeanMachine
  2. realms fees @DAO-Board | @Avidlearner
  3. DAO Board NFT allocation process @DeanMachine
  4. DAO Tasks/Skill Roles/Bounties/Grants @DAO-Board
    – Grant overview
  5. [Discussion] GGC Contribution Proposal @Barndog
  6. Emissions (Feb/Mar) @CopyPasteCrew | @DAO-Board
  7. Grape Membership NFT (short update) @TheRipTyde
    Discussion thread: “Grant for DESIGN of GRAPE NFT”
    Discussion thread: “Grant for UTILITY of GRAPE NFT”

If there is time:

  • Marketing
  • Grape Service Document (short update)

Please feel free to add topics in the thread that you want to address!

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  1. Realms Fees – I dont have anything to add here personally. @Avidlearner did a great job discussing this in the governance server. It is my recommendation that the DAO board discuss directly with avid and the Realms server to learn and figure this one out!

Id like to recommend that the Grape-backed tokens be the first item we discuss (its big and brand new) and then #8 (which is a HUGE TOPIC) Marketing, and Grape services.

I urge the DAO board to keep the topics FRESH – the topic of #2, #5, #6,#7 have been discussed multiple times and this week we finally have some bounties and the grape-backed tokens that i believe should take precedence

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I noticed this isnt on the agenda – might not need to be – but i expect that the DAO board is moving forward on handling this bounty payout

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I usually put items on the agenda based on their importance and also whether they should at least be noted/communicated on a Sunday Call. If I think that we can cover them quickly, I put them first so we can be done with em.

#0, #1, and #2 shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes. So #3, ‘$GRAPE backed tokens’ will be the first topic that I expect us to spend some more time on. #5, #6#, and #7 are topics that are also important imo, but it could happen that we get stuck there or that they take more time, so they are at the end. I’ll bump #8, so that when have more time for grants.

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And for the record @DeanMachine , I love that you give feedback on the agenda. It’s not just a hollow phrase that I put at the end of each post. If someone has an idea regarding the agenda, it’s very welcome :handshake:


I think this is a good question for discussion today too.


Please add “DAO Board NFT allocation process” to the agenda


NFT Giveaway Process :slight_smile:

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