[Agenda] DAO Call June 5th 2022

Preliminary agenda for DAO Call: 2022-06-05T13:00:00Z:

Brief updates:

  1. AthensDAO recap
  2. Grape DAO (DAOiness) @DeanMachine
  3. GRAPE Validator @Dim_Selk | @DAO-Board
  4. NFT Realms Giveaway for May: Completion Details

:white_small_square: :white_small_square: :white_small_square: Bounty Segment :white_small_square: :white_small_square: :white_small_square:

  1. $GAN token @DAO-Board
    – update on $GAN holders
    – Way forward, plans, ideas, next steps
  2. Start earning yield on USDC (suggestion: topic for Tuesday Call) @legend
  3. Bounty Creation Awards (suggestion: topic for Tuesday’s Bounty Call) @DeanMachine

Bounty Section
Discourse | Bounty Questionnaire | Trello | Weekly Call: Tuesday’s 12pm UTC


  1. Dev subDAO: Grape.art MessagesFunctionality/Partnering solution Dialect
  2. Dev subDAO: Strata on Grape Dashboard
  3. Dev subDAO: Create an integration with the app.squads.so in a new section on the dashboard

Backlog, aka topics that deserve attention @DAO-Board

  1. Grape Membership Classes
    – Membership+ | Neanderthal Class
  2. Grape Marketplace
  3. Grape Membership NFT (revised summary and examples)
    Discussion thread: “Grant for UTILITY of GRAPE NFT”
  4. $GRAPE Rewards Incentives Pools for Realms Proposers & Voters (next steps) @Arximedis

Please feel free to add topics in the thread that you want to address!


I would recommend some slight changes in terms of priority and topics:

  1. AthensDAO recap
  2. Grape DAO (DAOiness) @DeanMachine
  3. GRAPE Validator @Dim_Selk | @DAO-Board
  4. NFT Realms Giveaway for May: Completion Details
  5. Bounty Section and Updates

If we got time: ChapterX @DAO-Board

To be updated further.


Emissions??? At this point should emissions just be a separate stand-alone bi-weekly meeting till it is resolved. we cannot practically continue functioning as a DAO if we are not giving out predictable emissions for contributions to the DAO.

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We’re on it and there is a proposal (unpublished). That’s why I didn’t put it on the agenda.


boom !!! this is awesome and great to hear.

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I suggest this topic to be added to the DAO Talk.

Start earning yield on USDC


Let’s add this to the agenda too. :slight_smile:
Kudos to @yero for preparing this.
Related to this
(Discussion thread: "Grant for UTILITY of GRAPE NFT")

Grape NFT:


Let’s add bounty creation awards if there is time.

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