[Agenda] DAO Call May 29th 2022

Due to AthensDAO some topics might be skipped.

Preliminary agenda for DAO Call: 2022-05-29T13:00:00Z:

  1. GRAPE Validator @Dim_Selk | @DAO-Board
  2. $GAN token @DAO-Board
    – update on $GAN holders
    – Way forward, plans, ideas
  3. $GRAPE Rewards Incentives Pools for Realms Proposers & Voters (next steps) @Arximedis
  4. Emissions (next steps/commit to something?)
    February and March Emissions @CopyPasteCrew | @DAO-Board
    New Proposal for Emissions model @DeanMachine
    April’s Epoch DAO Emissions - CopyPastaCrew @DAO-Board
  5. Treasury exchanges with Mango @DAO-Board

Bounty Section
Discourse | Bounty Questionnaire | Trello | Weekly Call: Tuesday’s 12pm UTC

  1. Dev subDAO Strata on Grape Dashboard
  2. Video tutorial on $GAN usage - implementation
  3. Utilizing Dean’s List to get Feedback on Grape Access

Backlog, aka topics that deserve attention @DAO-Board

  1. Grape Membership Classes
    – Membership+ | Neanderthal Class
  2. Grape Marketplace
  3. Grape Membership NFT (revised summary and examples)

Please feel free to add topics in the thread that you want to address!

@Arximedis How can we check if the GAN tokens are actually being used?