The team at RACE POKER have been working on a unique decentralized Poker engine. This might be a great way for Grape to get back to playing Poker in a more web3 oriented fashion. All them their setup is ‘autonomous’ and doesn’t need anyone to manage the distribution of awards later on.
The team has proposed a lot of possible ways we could engage with them.
→ tournaments with grapes as prizes
→ tables with grape token as chips (also it is possible to attach bonus pools to the tables so players will get our tokens and usdc as rewards for playing there)
→ grapes tables with customized design (this feature is 80% complete) - basically everything in our game scenes can be customized (how the background, tables, cards, chips etc. look)
→ grapes lobby, so you can have customized poker lobby on your website so your community can access and play there anytime.
→ since everything we have is onchain (tables are smart contracts) and they can be accessed from anywhere, if you have your metaverse, etc. you can let your community play them from there, and those who play at your lobby and our lobby and our partners’ lobbies - they will be playing together no matter where they come from
Please comment on what you feel about the above. I personally loved when Grape had poker tournaments and love to see it back in some form. First iteration, I am thinking a simple tournament structure with member buy in will be great, but open to ideas.
I’m all in this (no pun intended), what are the steps required to procced on this?
I assume a monthly budget to organize these events is needed or we can ask the Grape Community to enter these lobbies by paying ‘x’ Grape and that amounts to the lobby prize pool.
Would love to be involved in this throwing a DM or ping to me to know more about this.
quick update on this if you missed some of the chat on discord.
The RACE POKER team has generously setup a freeroll tournament on their site with GRAPE rewards. Please check out the events in discord for details.
Someone from the team will also be joining us for our Weekly call to answer any member questions and talk about their product and roadmap.
I think the most sensible option would be cash tournaments. People buying in w their own Grape and the prize pool is determined accordingly.
This way we do not risk running to downvoted proposals for prizes budget( where we all know where they end up) and game becomes more competitive.
We could also run buy in tournaments in the sense of every participant sending the same amount of $Grape (solves the big spender advantage) to a Squad, then predetermined prizes are distributed from Squad signers to winners.
Community Management SubDAO can manage this for a small cut off the prize pool, as it also falls within their purview.
Agree with this idea, would be nice to have it open to everyone and if you pay the entry fee, only then are you able to get prizes.
Organizationally might be hard though.
Love Grape organized poker games and think it’s a great opportunity to get this going again.
Friendly Reminder: Discord had some issues with Poker that caused a change in policy / approach for organizing Poker games. In addition, the prize rewards put to a community vote failed to pass.
I remeber rumours that discord was shutting down poker servers and it seemed en masse many discord crypto servers including Grapes stopped hosting poker events. Since then I’ve seen some older servers go back to poker and newer communities hosting poker events
I’ve looked over Discords ToS, Community Guidelines, Additional Terms and Policies, and Creator Pilot Terms; there’s no direct mention of Poker, there is one mention of gambling they don’t say anything about it being banned more so that the onus is on the community to ensure they aren’t doing so illegally.
I’d note there seem many active pure poker servers
I cheked out Ape In Poker Club, They are an NFT project that seems to have been around since start of April, have 6k members and host daily tournaments w. $10 USD buy-ins as well as sponsored games.
All-in all it seems ok to be organising poker events.
If we went back to at Grape, I’d be for low stakes games w. members buying in with their own Grape or USD.
How does the poker game help grape grow? This is a question we need answering before going ahead with the poker tournament, i believe this was the mistake we made last time.
At this point, I think we have established three things
There is enough enthusiasm to engage in poker in a weekly/biweekly basis
Race Poker’s implementation is as decentralized as it probably can be
The team will be willing to work with us to get this rolling
Will the content moderation team be willing to run with this and work towards a proposal that at least starts with a buy-in format so that no rewards need to be decided at this time?
Proposal could include
The CM subDAO is willing and will do these Poker events any time during the week with or without rewards for these games. Regarding structure that will come later if the Poker matches are back to Grape.
Compensation for these organized events is not needed since the subDAO is already getting paid by the month for the services they provide (Altough they need to offer the proposal every month).
I think we can start using the RacePoker platform for free games without rewards or just buy-in games (low buy in for greater attendance) since from what UPCOOL said about branded Grape tournaments is way overbudget or at least kinda expensive for the subdao. Picture below for reference.