[Proposal] Assist Bears Reloaded in creating a Realm

1. The Bears Reloaded have requested assistance to complete the steps required to setup a realm.

  • The Bears Reloaded have requested we temporarily hold the update authority to perform specific actions which currently cannot be performed on realms.

2. Grape Proposal Overview:

  • The principle of the proposal is to help the Bears Reloaded community form a proper DAO using spl-governance. Currently the collection (2SBsLb5CwstwxxDmbanRdvV9vzeACRdvYEJjpPSFjJpE) , and collection nft’s have not been verified and the community is requesting assistance to temporarily manage the update auothrity to verify all the collection items.

3. Stakeholders

  • The Grape DAO will determine if we should proceed with assisting. The appropriate sub dao to execute and accept the update authority is the Grape developer sub dao.

4. Costs/Resource Requirements:

  • The expected costs are under 0.7 SOL to update roughly 1374 nft’s which can be withheld from the current proposal to obtain Reloaded Bears.

A poll will be added here following the discussion bellow.


Per Tuesday 10/4/2022 DAO Call - Discussed and Recapped this initiative.


  1. Goal is to help BearsReloaded update (fix) the NFTs to make them compatible with Realms and enable them to establish their DAO.
  2. Grape DAO Community connection to BearsReloaded is quite strong. First NFT project on grape.art, NFT Council conducted a DAO Approved $10K Sweep (after vote) & The Sanctuary have been strong advocates of Grape’s DAO initiatives.
  3. BearsReloaded are looking to Grape for technical support and guidance on setup for their DAO.
  4. Without a DAO, BearsReloaded project leads are not comfortable making key decisions without DAO input and on-chain voting. BearsReloaded is already a DAO that need Grapes help to DAO more :wink:
  5. It is an honor to be entrusted and so well respected by a community that’s entire mission is to build community, help others affected by rugs/bad actors, and seek to evolve into an NFT DAO.
  6. Cost is less than 1 SOL (est) & resource commitments from Grape community (sub-daos)
Should Grape support BearsReloaded to fix NFTs & help them setup their Realms DAO? (Poll Ends Sun 10/09/22 17:00 UTC)
  • YES (FOR) :white_check_mark:
  • NO (AGAINST) :x:
0 voters

voting no due to the uncertainties associated with the actual technical implementation of getting this over the line and wouldn’t want to expose our Dao to any unknown fallouts from this effort. understand that this is being attempted as a temporary hold but wary of circumstances (tech lagging behind ideas) keeping us in limbo for an extended period of time.

voting no due to the risks associated with being the DAO that verifies this collection and the process involved getting that over the line. uncertainty of the possible near term legal obligations around being owners of an NFT collection in the near-ish future (understandably this is subject to interpretation of what determines who owns the NFT collection).

voting no due not enough knowledge about if the solution needs an existing DAO v/s trying it with a separate dao spun up for this purpose only. Happy to volunteer time if this temporary DAO needs council members from GRAPE.

Our Realms setup is probably one of the unique setups in the space that gives us a decentralized identity and I am extremely vary of an altruistic endeavor introducing unwarranted side effects.

voting yes on extending technical expertise to bears ( and bearing the cost of that) as that will have a net positive influence on the DAO space in solana.


@discolove007 Thank you for sharing detailed thought process of what you are voting yes and no to.

The objective is to get collection 2SBsLb5CwstwxxDmbanRdvV9vzeACRdvYEJjpPSFjJpE verified and signed.

The transition of the update authority is temporary, and could be handed back to any developer(s) the Bears Reloaded DAO requests before transitioning the update authority to the realm as requested.

voting no due not enough knowledge about if the solution needs an existing DAO v/s trying it with a separate dao spun up for this purpose only. Happy to volunteer time if this temporary DAO needs council members from GRAPE.

No, the Grape Realm will not be used for any of the actions listed above. These actions will be delegated to the developer sub dao for execution.

voting yes on extending technical expertise to bears ( and bearing the cost of that) as that will have a net positive influence on the DAO space in solana.

Let me also add, this will be a net positive for both comunities where we are gaining more expertise on how NFT DAO’s work and what tools need to be developed.


Some updates on the progress:

The update authority for the nft’s was transferred to a developer sub DAO controlled update authority (BearsQvc67jT3miAgBDDQiTbjw5RXyW4xU3JuTr3VSH1 ) approximately 17 hours ago, 0.75 SOL was sent to this address. The collection NFT update authority was transferred 2 hours ago.

Went ahead and performed the first test, prior to verifying the collection approximately 1 hour ago and confirmed process will work as planned.

example verification

Next steps, completing signing the collection and helping set up the necessary proposals on Realms to allow NFT voting with this collection.


Update 2:

The collection has been fully signed and verified. Also confirmed this is ready to be setup on realms.

The Bear DAO will need to determine the correct quorum, they do have a DAO call later today.

The instructions to migrate the existing realm to support NFT voting will be.

Proposal A

Instruction 1 – Create nft registrar
will be set to appropriate governance

Instruction 2 – Create nft max voter weight record account
will be set to appropriate governance

Instruction 3 – Configure nft collection
Recommended to be set to 10,000 supply as this was the intended max mint.

Proposal B

Activate voting using NFT Plugin Registry

Instruction 1 – Set Realm Config

community voter weight add-in

max community voter weight add-in


Update 3

The NFT’s and realm have been updated and they have created the first proposal where NFT holders can participate.

They are running an old governance instance and probably will need to upgrade to allow voting with many nft’s i.e over 8

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Following successful proposal on align the new update authority was transfered to kemB3EAK5SfQUZgyMGfh3G9uDxwsBbf73MtvJ6hmcPq