Type: Article
Title: Measuring Decentralization or “DAOiness” of DAOs
Funding: Pre-Funded
Max Reward (Complete): 150,000 $GRAPE
Date Created: 04/14/22
Date Complete: 05/31/22
Restrictions: (Excluded Country/Topics/Projects/References)
Language: English (default)

Submission Instructions:

Submit a link to your posted article below preferably hosted using Medium.


What is decentralization in DAOs and how do you measure it?

Provide arguments and/or metrics on how one can measure the degree of decentralization in Solana DAOs. Analyze DAOs using projects on Realms.today and statistics/metrics on DeepDAO.io to support your thesis and produce an article that analyzes and looks to measure decentralization in a DAO.

Suggested Guidance Questions

  1. What are the types of DAOs analyzed? (I.e. Investment & Community)
  2. What kind of resources are managed in these DAOs
  3. Are there defined groups of people within these DAOs and how are resources managed in a decentralized way?
  4. What are the factors or variables that contribute to “DAOiness”?
  5. How can we measure decentralization for a DAO?
  6. How does the DAO work or operate? I.e. People, Products, or Processes?
  7. Are there any other DAOs or projects that are similar? Do you see similarities or common themes/practices among particular DAOs, if yes what are they?
  8. If the DAO has a community, are the community users rewarded? If yes, How?
  9. How decentralized are the processes that resources are used in terms of compensation for contributors’ work?
  10. What is the nature of the NFT/tokens and how are they distributed?
    If you clearly answer the above questions in your bounty article, it will likely do well.

Recommended Sources:

  1. Solana Realms https://realms.today/realms
  2. DeepDAO https://deepdao.io/organizations


GRAPE is a Decentralized Social Network that brought the first open-source verification service, the first decentralized NFT DeX, and provides a suite of DAO tools and products to the Solana ecosystem.

In this GRAPE Bounty, completers are rewarded $GRAPE tokens for writing original, non-plagiarized, articles about decentralization in Solana Realms DAOs and other DAOs for supporting examples. Hunters may use research information from DeepDAO.io website and Realms.Today but may NOT copy/paste info aimlessly. Read the rules, there is other information that must be included.

GRAPE has deposited 100% of the funds for Creation & Completion in advance. This bounty campaign is fully pre-funded.


Create an original article about how to measure decentralization or “DAOiness” of at least one Solana Realms DAO, with the support of metrics from DeepDAO.

Acceptance Criteria:

Quality is based on amount of copied material, amount of technical/grammatical errors, overall impression, amount of images/pictures, and reach of article (comments/shares). Hunters may use research information from Solana Realms, DeepDAO, the DAO project analyzed, such as whitepapers or other documentation, but may not just rephrase line by line.

Exceptional quality generally means no technical errors, minimal spelling/grammatical errors, little to no copy/paste of information, contains appropriate references to analyzed DAO’s, where at least one is a Solana Realms DAO, with reference to the DAO’s website, tools or other documentation, DeepDAO analyses, and contains relevant image(s) to support analyses.


  1. Submissions may not promote the host or tokens as an investment. Any submissions which do are in violation and will be rejected. NO FINANCIAL ADVICE
  2. Article must be at least 2,000+ words.
  3. Article must be written in English. (Optional: additional translations from English)
  4. Article must be publicly viewable.
  5. Maximum Submission per member/user: One (1)
  6. Articles must contain at least one reference to the project being analyzed and appropriate references to other content used
  7. If Discord user, must include Discord Profile Name at bottom of article.
  8. Article platforms: Medium
  9. Do not publish to Reddit, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or other Social Network
  10. Once submitted you agree to give over all intellectual and publishing rights of submitted articles to GRAPE.

Disqualification Reasons: copied/plagiarized content, broken links, empty articles, or anything as a placeholder. These are all strict rule violations, and disqualifies you from any reward in the GRAPE Bounty in general.

Thanks to @Dim_Selk @Takisoul for helping to create this Bounty & @DeanMachine for allowing us to use the term “DAOiness”.


An amendment proposal made by GodsloveDAO on Discord.


Has the Bounty Governance Manager been added to the DAO Core roles ?


Here is a simple form for someone to fill out to raise a bounty.
Bounty Questionnaire (google.com)

Please take a look and suggest edits.


wanted to get it out before I slept. adding a bit more context now.
Replaced type with ‘which subDao would best solve the bounty’ . might make it easy for someone to make a selection.
Created a 'how difficult ’ question instead of a reward question. Might be easier for someone to grasp than the grape sums.
Added a question to allow them to suggest who would judge that its complete.

Would it make sense to add the following?

Type: [Drop-Down]
Funding: Pre-Funded or Pending Approval
Proposed Max Reward (Complete): X $GRAPE

We can embed this form into Discourse :slight_smile:



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