[Vote] Buy an SMB

I agree. One of main motives for buying is perhaps to cement and further a good relationship with them, not to upset. Maybe it’s best just held as a trophy, with none permitted to use for access to MonkeDAO.

But to reiterate my point, if that’s the goal, an SMB is worth much less to us than it is to individuals, as we don’t get any of the participation benefits. The value of holding it becomes very speculative, which is fine, it just needs proper justification.

There are contradictory motivations at play here, and I’d like to see them resolved before moving forward with this.


I think we would 100% be giving access rights to community members – it wouldnt be fractionalized (unless the MonkeDAO also supports that, which i know they are experimenting with bridgesplit). Access to voted members and they would act as our reps in each DAO. We should also do the same with the Thug. Grape needs to be exposed to as many of the major DAOs as possible.

One of the major benefits from a huge communal NFT treasury should be our ability to be involved in other DAOs. What @butter1234567890 pointed out is spot-on. And i agree, for this goal, only 1 is needed and getting more would be speculation-driven