[VOTE] GRAPExceptional Member Reward Emission: Barndog

I rejected the proposal. Here is why:
Even if this might be seen as a rude or an ungrateful move, know that I love what you’re doing, Barndog! For the community in general and for Grape specifically; I’m a Barndog fan! :two_hearts:

The reason I’m rejecting the proposal (and didn’t opt for a different amount either) is simple: I’m rejecting the way this is done and I’m a bit concerned about the road we’re stepping on if this proposal succeeds.

Barndog himself put it perfectly:

And that’s the issue. Why was Barndog chosen and not someone else? Why even vote when nobody can argue that if someone is highlighted by @DeanMachine wouldn’t instantly get approval by the rest of the community? If we do it like this, we’ll end up with a bunch of people feeling disregarded and in the end, nobody wins.

@Barndog, you also mentioned in a DAO Call that we should distribute it differently and gracefully declined the “shitload of $Grape” (if my memory serves :sweat_smile: ) and I hope that you maybe can spare a few words here.

I feel that we should find a better way to acknowledge outstanding work, be it Content, Devs, or Researchers…
Individual proposals for special emissions to certain members are not the way in my option. Maybe it’s something we should run through the subDAOs and provide a pool for them to use at their discretion, but not as a proposal from one person.