February Emissions

:goat: February Emissions :goat:

The goal of our monthly emissions is to distribute GRAPE in a wide and fair fashion. Our community runs on merit, so the bulk of our emissions are given as a result of “skilled activity” or “proof of social work”.

Any remaining emissions will be returned to the treasury

1.Membership emission:

Roles $GRAPE Accounts Total $GRAPE
Gibbons 55 954 :grapes:52,470
Great Apes 265 449 :grapes:118,985
Gorillas 1045 432 :grapes:451,440

The goal of our monthly emissions is to distribute GRAPE in a wide and fair fashion. Our community runs on merit, so the bulk of our emissions are given as a result of “skilled activity” or “proof of social work”.
-4 to 5% increase from January emissions and subject to slight adjustments

2. Market Maker Loan (4th of 12th month)

  • $GRAPE- :grapes:833,000

3. Skill Roles

Roles $GRAPE Accounts Total $GRAPE
Researcher tiered 11 :grapes:150,000
Content tiered 35 :grapes:536,500
Moderator tiered 11 :grapes:295,000
Organizer tiered 9 :grapes:72,000
Developer tiered 8 :grapes:200,000
Calendar 5,000.00 4 :grapes:20,000
Panda Crew tiered 8 :grapes:100,000
Garuda Crew tiered 6 :grapes:70,000
MeanFi :grapes: 4,516

–MeanFi cost for transactions for money streams to take place this epoch

4. Councils and DAO Board

Members $GRAPE Accounts Total $GRAPE
NFT Council tiered 6 :grapes:25,000
Gaming Council 5,000 5 :grapes:25,000
DAO Board 20,000 5 :grapes:100,000

5. Bulk Payouts

Bulk Payouts Total $GRAPE
Contests :grapes:500,000
Pandas Growth Grant :grapes:50,000
Garuda Growth Grant :grapes:50,000
Socean Bond :grapes:50,000

-Contests, rewards for events for the whole month

-Pandas Growth Grant to promote the growth of the Chinese part of the server. Encourage the creation of the Panda SubDAO and promote inclusivity by organizing events, translations, tutorials, Chinese Social Media Presence, etc.

-Garuda Growth Grant ‘’-see above-‘’

-Socean Bonds: To further test the mechanism on this project.

  1. SubDAO President/Secretary/Admin Budgets

|SubDAO President/Secretary|$GRAPE|Accounts|Total $GRAPE|
| — | — | — | — | — |
|Panda Crew|2,500|1|2,500|
|Garuda Crew|2,500|1|2,500|

-Allocation for those individuals that handle the administrative duties for their specific sub-dao. There have been no proposals on the actual amounts that should be given. If your sub-dao feels more $GRAPE is deserved, the sub-dao is free to allocate from your budgets as well

7. Partner Server Awards
Name of Project: Sanctuary

  • $GRAPE- :grapes:165,585

-This month’s allocation of partner server awards if for 7 Gorilla Roles to the Sanctuary council members and subsequent honorary induction into our Grape DAO.

Summary $GRAPE
Total Coins :grapes: 5,000,000.00
Remaining Coins :grapes: 1,218,515.00
Coins Spent :grapes: 3,781,485.00
Recap $GRAPE
OnChain Instruction
Total Coins :grapes: 5,000,000
Total Allocated :grapes: 3,884,496
Total Left :grapes: 1,115,504
1. Membership Emission :grapes: 622,895
2. MM Loan 4th/12 month :grapes: 833,000
3. Skill Roles/Boards/Councils :grapes: 1,510,005
4. Bulk Payout :grapes: 815,585
Sum (1+2+3+4) :grapes: 3,781,485



This iteration is missing

  • 3x Organizers Admins/leaders
    -Instead, for some reason there is allocation for 1x leader/admin in Moderators.

I would much rather the whole Community Management SubDAO is mentioned as one(= Organizers & Moderators, along with the allocation for its 3x admins (for February).


Is there an analytical breakdown to see why ppl vote no? Im curious here, can you share it? thanks in advance!

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I’m curious too, Someone said after seeing the breakdown they voted no, I couldn’t find it in Discord. appreciate it if someone shares that.

will throw in DAO channel right now.

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Seems like there’s some pushback here. People have pointed out some missing breakdowns.

Also, think it’s worthwhile discussing which Skill Roles/Councils are most valuable to Grape moving forward. I won’t be making tomorrow’s meeting, figure this will be a big topic of discussion. Looking forward to what comes out of the discussions and an update!