PROPOSAL: Incentives Emissions Formula & Templates Updates GRIPv2

1. Proposal Purpose:

Updated the Emissions Formulas & Templates for ALL Rewards or Incentives:

2. Grape Proposal Overview:

Updates to Emission Formula

Basic Legacy Formula v.s. Perform Weight Reward (Simplified Formula) =>

A. Formula is defined by a rule: When the Graperator Performance Score is equal to the Total of All Graperators’ Performance Scores in the same Task Group, then the logic will use the Basic Legacy Formula.

(Why? If a single individual performs a task at a level below 100%, they receive the full emission, which is contradicts the performance score model)

B. If the rule under A is not met, then the new Simplified Formula allocates the Task Pool proportionately to each Graperator’s Performance Score divided by the Total of All Graperators’ Performance Scores in the same Task Group C. Tasks not performed result in NO emission, which will be seen as remaining/unallocated amounts.


Perform Weight Scores = PWS (%)
Total Task Perform Weight Score = TPWS (%)
Pool Allocation per Task = PAT (Units)
Perform Weight Reward = PWR (Units)
Count of Unique Graperators in Task Group = CGT

Basic Legacy Formula Steps:

  1. Each instance of Graperator and assigned Task Group are a unique pair (no dupes).
  2. Assign Performance Level to each pair to derive the PWS
  3. PWR = (PAT / CGT ) × PWS
  4. Verify : For Graperator & Task Group pairs where CGT = 1, check thePWR is as formula 3.
  5. The Basic Legacy Formula is used when Graperator & Task Group pair results in PWS = TPWS

In every other case, the following equation defines how multiple participants are rewarded, based on performance level) Simplified Formula Steps:

  1. Add all PWS %'s of all Graperators part of Each Task Group to derive TPWS .
  2. TPWS % = 0% + 33% + 66% + 100% = 199%
  3. PWR = (PWS % / TPWS% ) × PAT
  4. Verify : Add all PWR for Graperators part of any Task Group = PAT
  5. Smile. Life is simpler now.

i.e. Imagine 4 Graperators worked on the same Task “Group A” and each Performed differently, e.g. Graperator A = Level 0 (PWS = 0%), B = Level 1 (PWS = 33%), C = Level 2 (PWS = 66%), & D = Level 3 (PWS = 100%)* .

The combined scores of the Graperators in that Task Group = TPWS = 199%.

What would their emission be if the Group A PAT = 550,000
A = PWS 0%/199% TWPS = 0
B = PWS 33%/199% TWPS = 91,206
C = PWS 66%/199% TWPS = 182,412
D =PWS 100%/199% TWPS = 276,382

3. Stakeholders

Graperators, Merit Contributors & GUBA Recipients

4. Costs/Resource Requirements:

Check Spreadsheet Attached

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