Please refer to Jan. Emissions for infomation.
50,000 $GRAPE added to further test Socean bonds.
gaming council 5K per member
Gaming Council: 5k for 4-5 members
If you ain’t first, you’re last.
Clarification/Rephrasing on sub-dao/council position payments. Should be handled by sub-dao budgets and internally
I just finished a cross-promotion with STEPN (1 twitter space + 1 live AMA in their discord server), I would like to request 9 x Great Ape Tier to be allocated for AMA winners from STEPN’s Chinese community. I’ll help them with the onboarding process.
So since the reserachers never had a budget received or distributed amongst themselves, how would this be practised? Can you please write this in a clearer way since I dont fully understand? Maybe by accident the sentence was not finished? Will the February include the missing January emissions? I am trying to convince people to undertake this task in the researchers subDAO as I am planning to step down and this does not help me do that. We need to incentivize our members to do admin work.
Love this! I also believe this is auto-approved since there is an allocation for the Panda discretion @Dim_Selk @DyNite – is that correct?
Great idea Natome!
@natome Yes, I believe this would just be taken out from the “Pandas Growth Grant”
will discuss this in todays call
I think there should be some allocation for the Content Subdao for:
-workgroup leaders compensation (tbd on Monday’s call, possibly extra 2x regardless of Tier)
-SubDAO managers compensation (currently at extra 6x regardless of tier)
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