Preliminary agenda for DAO Call: 2022-06-26T13:00:00Z:
Brief updates:
- New prospects and removals @Dim_Selk | @Arximedis
- Metrics @DAO-Board
- ChapterX (design briefing) @DAO-Board
|Image 1| Image 2|- Update on DAO-Board setup (from 5 to 4 now) @DAO-Board
- Realms Vote: Buy 3,000 $SOL (progress?) @DAO-Board
Not addressed/resolved in last Call
- What is your vision of Grape? | Rewards, Compensations and Revenue@DAO-Board
– business model vs non-profit sponsorship
– setting up product team(s) vs bounties
– Grape Product Strategy? - Proposals for compensation (Taki | Moderators/Community managers | DAO-Board | ME) @DAO-Board
- [Discussion] [Governance] GRAPE DAO: Collaboration & NDA @discolove007
Bounty Segment
If there is time:
- GRAPE Validator (next steps / proposal by Hanko)
- [Proposal] DAO Board Election @discolove007
- Grape DAO vs. subDAOs vs independent DAOs @riderinred @discolove007
Bounty Section
Discourse | Bounty Questionnaire | Trello | Weekly Call: Tuesday’s 12pm UTCAccepted:
- Dev subDAO: Strata on Grape Dashboard
- Dev subDAO: Create an integration with the in a new section on the dashboard
Backlog, aka topics that deserve attention @DAO-Board
- Grape Membership Classes
– Membership+ | Neanderthal Class- Grape Marketplace
- Grape Membership NFT (revised summary and examples)
– Discussion thread: “Grant for UTILITY of GRAPE NFT”
Please feel free to add topics in the thread that you want to address!